Online Bookings

Welcome to the online booking platform for the SSAA Brisbane branch.

This system is for members and guests to place bookings for Private Practice and reserve a position for the start of the session. Only ONE booking is needed for each bench/position required, guests will share the same bench. Please note your reservation is held for the start of the session only, and walk-ins are permitted to take up any unoccupied positions approximately 30 minutes after the start of the session time.

All Firearms Licence holders must present their current Firearms License for inspection. All people attending the range must wear all personal protection equipment as directed, including wearing fully enclosed shoes and hearing protection. Eye protection must be worn on the pistol ranges at all times.

Bookings for casual practice become available from 10am each Tuesday for the following week.

General Guidelines For Attending SSAA Brisbane

When attending the range for practice or competition please follow these basic requirements:

  • Everyone MUST sign-on upon arrival.
  • At sign-on a current firearms licence must be sighted by the shoot captain/range officer;
  • If the firearms license has expired and a 'renewal' application has been lodged, the licensee must produce the expired licence together with the receipt of renewal. The expired licence is acceptable up to 42 days after expiry;
  • An Unlicensed person must be accompanied by a licensed person who will supervise them directly. Alternatively, we have Introductory Rifle Packages available for licensed or unlicensed persons to attend with supervision and equipment provided by the club. Bookings are essential.

  • Unlicensed shooters must complete a QPS Form 33 (Declaration by unauthorised person for use of a weapon at an approved range) and sign the range register;
  • For the purposes of a Minor (11-17 years) attending a shooting range, the following is acceptable photo ID:
    • Passport
    • School ID with Photo
    • JP Certified photo of the child (certification to include Date of Birth). Only original certified photo is accepted
    • Learners Permit/Drivers Licence
    • Photo Identification Card issued by Queensland Transport - provides proof of age for Queensland residents aged 15 years or older
  • All minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult. If they are not accompanied by their parent /guardian they are required to provide written permission to attend a shooting range signed by their parent/guardian;
  • Any person who is considered not eligible for a firearms licence is not permitted to remain on the premises and should not attend.
  • Click here for QPS Form 33

  • All range users must understand and comply with Range Officer instruction; the Range Standing Orders and Club Rules (on display in the foyer area);
  • Anyone choosing not to comply with these policies and any direction from our Range Officers will be asked to leave the range immediately;

  • Please note the online bookings do NOT replace the QPS Sign-on Register.

  • All people attending the range must wear all personal protective equipment as directed, including wearing fully enclosed shoes and hearing protection.
  • Eye protection must be worn on the pistol ranges at all times;
  • Every person on the range must wear appropriate clothing; As a minimum:
    • Fully enclosed shoes – no thongs, sandals, or partially enclosed shoes e.g. No Crocs.
    • A shirt/top that covers the upper torso with short sleeve minimum e.g. T-shirt, 'Polo' shirt, no singlets.
    • No more than one piece (or 50%) of camouflage clothing on the upper body or legs.
    • No clothing or items that may cause alarm can be worn e.g. military 'Flak' jackets, military-styled webbing, or combat vests, etc.
  • Social distancing of at least 1.5m;
  • Do not attend if you feel unwell, or have symptoms of a cold or flu.
  • Anyone who cannot/will not comply with range attendance conditions, should not attend.

  • Attending The Range For Casual Shooting

    Before you attend

  • Before making your booking, please make sure that you have checked the club's website for any further updates.
  • The Rifle Range is open to all licensed shooters;
  • To bring an unlicensed guest with you to the Rifle Range you must have held your Category AB license for a minimum of 12 months. You must DIRECTLY supervise your guest;
  • Use of the pistol range is strictly limited to licensed SSAA Brisbane Pistol Section Members;
  • To bring an unlicensed guest with you to the Pistol Range you must hold a current Category H license, be a member of the SSAA Brisbane Pistol Section, and have held a Level 1 Range Officer accreditation for a minimum of 12 months. You must DIRECTLY supervise your guest;
  • Each licensed person is permitted to bring a maximum of 2 guests, Guests do not require additional bookings as they will be using the same shooting position as the licensed shooter;
  • Range attendance with a booking ($5.00 booking fee) will allow the shooter to attend the range from the beginning of the shooting session with a reserved bench. Bookings will have priority over non-bookings and casual attendees with the $5 booking fee deducted from the range fees due at signon.
  • Range attendance without a booking is accepted 30 minutes after the commencement of the shooting session and is subject to availability, until the end of the session time;
  • Range sessions described on this booking site may change from week to week as required;
  • The booking fee is non-refundable in the event of a lockdown directive, missed booking, cancellation, or incorrect booking. Please take care when making a booking;
  • Range Fees payable are as follows:

  • Effective from 1st February 2022
    Adult Pension Junior
    SSAA Member (Any branch) $ 28.00 $ 21.00 $ 14.00
    Plus SSAA Member without a branch allocation - add $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00
    Non-Member $ 44.50 $ 33.50 $ 22.00

    Q01 Branch tranfer forms available from the shop or office.

  • To become an SSAA member visit
  • EFTPOS is the preferred payment method, cash is also accepted;
  • When attending the range for practice everyone is required to complete the sign-on register, this is a legislative requirement. Sign-on is conducted at the shop counter and overseen by the staff/range officer on duty;
  • Non-Members please type your birthday into the membership number field of the booking page. In the DDMMYY format. For example, 11th May 1989 is typed as 110589.
  • Attending the range

  • Arrive no more than 15 minutes before session commencement;
  • Approved Targets and ammunition are available for purchase at sign-on;
  • Maximum target distance is 200yd from benches, and 100m from standing post area. Steel swingers are located at 200m, 300m, 385m & 500m in the Standing Post Area;
  • Minimum paper target distance for pistol practice on the 50m range is 20m;
  • When using a shotgun, on the rifle range, steel shot Ammunition must be used to comply with environmental requirements.
  • Only SSAA approved targets are to be used;
  • Social distancing of 1.5m and safe practices MUST be observed;
  • Anyone choosing not to comply with these policies and any direction from our Range Officers will be asked to leave the range immediately;
  • Notes

  • Pistol Range - 50m/200m Pistol Range (as available) - Target boards and Steel swingers setup at 25m. No FMJ Ammunition may be used;
  • Rifle SPA - Rifle Range Standing Post Area. Limited benches are available. Muzzle brakes are not permitted in this area;
  • Rifle Bench (MBA) - Rifle Range Bench where Muzzle Brakes are allowable;
  • Rifle Bench (NMB) - Rifle Range Bench where Muzzle Brakes are not permitted;
  • Shotgun Trap - Rifle Range Shotgun Clay Trap Machine. Steel shot must be used to comply with environmental requirements;
  • Please note that firearms without muzzle brakes are permitted in all rifle areas;
  • Two consecutive sessions may be booked when there are 3 sessions per day.
    • When making the second booking please use your date of birth in place of your membership number.
    • A separate booking fee is applicable for each booked session however only one range fee is payable.
    • You must remain with your equipment between sessions OR remove equipment to your vehicle.

Private Practice - Available Bookings
ID Date Start Time Finish Time Available Pistol Rifle - SPA Rifle - Bench (MBA) Rifle - Bench (NMB) Shotgun Trap
3432 Sat 29-03-2025 08:00 12:00 13 8 4 1
3433 Sat 29-03-2025 13:00 16:45 52 9 18 13 11 1
3434 Sun 30-03-2025 08:00 10:30 34 9 14 3 8
3435 Sun 30-03-2025 11:00 13:15 53 8 19 13 12 1
3436 Sun 30-03-2025 14:00 16:45 59 10 19 15 14 1
3437 Mon 31-03-2025 13:00 16:45 59 10 19 14 15 1
3438 Wed 02-04-2025 13:00 16:45 61 10 20 15 15 1
3439 Thu 03-04-2025 13:00 16:45 61 10 20 15 15 1
3440 Fri 04-04-2025 08:00 10:30 58 8 20 15 14 1
3441 Fri 04-04-2025 11:00 13:15 60 10 20 15 14 1
3442 Fri 04-04-2025 14:00 16:45 61 10 20 15 15 1
Book a Session
SSAA Brisbane

About the branch

The SSAA Brisbane branch is situated 20 minutes from the city and 20 minutes from the airport. Set in natural bushland, the range is truly a part of the beautiful city of Brisbane and is part of the 1250 acre Belmont Range Complex.